We are delighted that you have chosen to sing with Eye Bach Choir and hope these notes will help you to participate fully in the choir’s activities.
Eye Bach Choir is a registered charity. A copy of our constitution is available from the secretary. The choir is managed by an elected committee and as a member you are entitled to vote and stand for office. The AGM is usually held soon after the start of each season. The committee meets three or four times a season and copies of its agendas and minutes are made available at rehearsals from time to time. The current officers are:
CHAIR | Felicity Golding |
HON SECRETARY | Nicola Wheeler |
Statement of Intent
Eye Bach Choir is a registered charity whose objective is to advance, improve, develop, and maintain public education in, and appreciation of music, particularly choral music, in all its aspects by the presentation of public choral and orchestral recitals and concerts.
Eye Bach Choir is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment for all those involved in the activities it organises. This includes but is not limited to: choir members, the Director of Music, accompanist, volunteers, soloists, musicians and audience members.
- Overall and final responsibility for health and safety at all events and activities organised by Eye Bach Choir lies with the Trustees. This responsibility will be delegated to a named individual where appropriate.
- All members of Eye Bach Choir have a duty to ensure that they conduct themselves in a safe manner and that their acts or omissions do not cause harm to themselves or others including other choir members, the Director of Music, accompanist, volunteers, soloists, musicians and audience members. Choir members will be encouraged to bring to the attention of the Trustees any concerns regarding any health and safety issues.
General arrangements
The Trustees will take the following actions:
- ensure that an accurate record of participating choir members is kept for all rehearsals and performances
- ensure that rehearsal and performance venues are visited in advance of their use and assessed for suitability, access and safety
- make arrangements for ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety and absence of risks in connection with the use, handling, storage and transportation of articles relevant to the activities of the choir
- ensure that all members of the choir are made aware of specific safety issues at each venue
- ensure that trip hazards are minimised at each venue
- ensure that all in attendance at concerts are made aware of evacuation procedures in the event of a fire alarm or other emergency
This policy and the way in which it operates will be reviewed every 2 years.
Our season, running from September to the end of May, comprises three terms and four concerts – November, near Christmas, around Easter, and in the early summer.
The current subscription is £180 a season payable, either in one sum at the beginning of the season, or in two instalments of £90, preferably by a standing order payable 15th September and 15th January. If you join after Christmas, your subscription will be reduced. Our current Treasurer Ann Hornung will be able to provide details. Our current Librarian Steph Bowden will advise you of any costs relating to music hire.
When paying your subscriptions, you will be invited to sign a Gift Aid Declaration form enabling us to recover basic rate tax you have paid on it from HMRC.
We adhere strictly to data protection laws and use the information we collect from members exclusively for the smooth running of the choir. Such data will not be shared with a third party.
We take a flexible approach to subscriptions for anyone struggling to pay them. Reduced rates of subscriptions are available for full-time students, unwaged and those in receipt of benefits.
Most of the music we use is hired through the County Library. It will be issued – entrusted – to you by our Librarian, currently Steph Bowden – [email protected] and she will tell you when to return it. Be prepared to erase any pencil markings you have made. Very occasionally the committee will decide to buy scores. You may be invited to buy such music to relieve pressure on choir funds.
Traditionally, it has become the norm for members to have their own copies of:
- Carols for Choirs Books 1, 2 and 3
- European Sacred Music, Published by the OUP
If you leave the choir or have to withdraw from a concert, for whatever reason, you must return any music to the Librarian. Late returns incur a fine with the County Library and if you lose or damage scores and music in your care you may be asked to pay for replacements.
Rehearsals are held 7.30pm – 9.30pm on Fridays at Eye Town Hall. Regular, punctual, attendance is required. A successful choir is the sum of its parts and if certain parts – or individuals – do not attend sufficient rehearsals, this can reflect on the performance of the choir as a whole. If you do not attend sufficient rehearsals you may be asked not to sing in a concert.
Please always bring a soft pencil to rehearsals.
To enable the Musical Director to plan rehearsals you may be asked at the beginning of each term whether there are any rehearsals you know you cannot attend. If, exceptionally, during the course of the term you are unable to attend any other rehearsals you should notify your section representative.
SOPRANO | Michelle Huggins |
ALTO | Caroline Holloway |
TENOR | Mick Morley |
BASS | Tony Joslin |
Gentlemen wear a black polo neck jersey, dinner jacket, black trousers and black shoes.
Ladies wear all black, long-sleeved tops, long skirts or trousers, and no blatant jewellery.
Pre-concert rehearsals
We normally rehearse on the evening before, and on the afternoon of a concert. Precise timing and details will be issued before concert day. You must attend these rehearsals.
Sits and stands and concert etiquette
You will be told when to stand, sit, or rise, during a performance. The instructions to ‘Stand’ and ‘Sit’ are given by the conductor. A ‘Rise’ is done without a signal from the conductor, usually on a musical cue of some kind. Remember we are performing, and once on the stage, you should not talk to your colleagues, or turn your back to the audience.
Often, black folders will be required to contain music and to unify our presentation to the audience. You may wish to use your own or the choir can issue with one to borrow for the concert. Please ensure you hand in your folder after the concert.
Eye Teas
We have a reputation for providing a magnificent tea for the orchestra, soloists and any choir members not going home to change between the afternoon rehearsal and evening performance on concert day. All members are asked to contribute to the tea – a plate of sandwiches, a cake etc. You will be prompted about this before a concert.
After the concert
After the concert all members help to clear away chairs and staging and tidy up the church. We often hold a post-concert reception with drinks and a buffet. members and their guests are invited to this reception.
Publicity and Ticket sales
We expect members to put up posters, distribute handbills and share publicity material digitally where possible. Members are also expected to sell as many tickets as possible. Tickets can be purchased via the EBC website at BOOK TICKETS or from Box Office Manager Christine Hooker
If you have any general questions please contact:
Nicola Wheeler (Membership Secretary)