Making music to a high standard is a costly but rewarding business. Eye Bach Choir is very grateful and fortunate to have received many financial gifts and donations over the years from generous Friends, Sponsors and donors who share our passion for choral music, perhaps appreciate the opportunity to appear prominently in our concert programmes or take advertising space for their businesses.


The choir is keen to attract sponsors, both private and from local businesses. If you would be interested in sponsoring the Choir please do get in touch with our team.

Click Here to see the Sponsors that have supported Eye Bach Choir particularly over the 50th anniversary season 2023-2024


To help with the longer term future of the choir you might like to consider leaving a gift in your will. We would be able to help arrange the legal side of this with you. If you like to discuss this with us, please initially click here.

Friends of Eye Bach Choir

We are very grateful to the Friends of Eye Bach Choir for their encouragement and support over many years. The benefits we offer Friends are currently under review and we will be publishing full details of our new arrangements in due course. In the meantime if you would like to express an interest in finding out more please contact us here

Our Friends at this time include:

Mr & Mrs Adrian Beatty
Mrs C. Bird
Mrs and Mrs D. Boyce
Mrs Sheila Cohen
Dr W. Cordeaux
Mr Andrew Evitt
Julia, Lady Henniker
Mr E G Maynard
Mr and Mrs Ian McKechnie
Mrs Peggy Mutton
Heather & Michael Nicholas
Mrs Cynthia Ridger
Mrs Suzanne Vandenberghe
Mr and Mrs Alan Wilcox
Mr & Mrs M.N. Withers
Jacqui Worsley

And Honorary Friends of Eye Bach Choir:

Mr St J Perry
Mr and Mrs Peter Lee