Christmas Concert Supported by New Buckenham Silver Band
Conductor: Leslie Olive
A Concert featuring living composers.
Conductor: Leslie Olive
50th Anniversary Season 2023-24
Eye Bach Choir was very excited to celebrate its 50th anniversary season 2023-24. Four concert performances took place, programmed to include works that drew on the choirs rich repertoire of choral music.
The season cumulated with a performance of JS Bach B Minor Mass at Eye Town Hall on May 25th. The choir was thrilled to receive a very warm reception from a packed-out audience.
This was a hugely successful season for Eye Bach Choir, not least due to the expertise and commitment of its Conductor and Musical Director Leslie Olive, its piano accompanist Karen Smith and the host of professional and trainee soloists and musicians with whom the choir were fortunate enough to work with. It would also not have been possible without the numerous volunteers, Friends, donors, sponsors and contributors who gave generously of their time, energy and funding to ensure everything went to schedule and ambitious plans could be achieve. The choir would like to heartily thank each and every one of them.