Eye Bach Choir was founded in 1974 and is one of East Anglia’s foremost choral societies. The choir celebrated its 50th anniversary season during 2023-24 with a special programme of concerts inspired by its early years performing in Eye, Suffolk.

At 42 Church Street, Eye, the home of our founders Ann and Merlin Channon, there is a notice that reads “It was in this music room that the Eye Bach Choir first met on 2nd of January 1974.” Eye Bach Choir started its fiftieth season with a concert at Eye Parish Church on Nov 11th that included a performance of the work rehearsed at that first meeting – Jesu Priceless Treasure by J S Bach.

The season continued with a Concert of Festive Music on Dec 15th at Eye Town Hall and a performance of Haydn Nelson Mass on Mar 2nd at Eye Parish Church. There was a closing season concert of JS Bach Mass in B Minor on May 25th at Eye Town Hall. It pays homage to an early performance the choir gave of this work at Eye Parish church, almost half a century earlier.

Read here about the history of Eye Bach Choir…

Short Film

Interview with Eye Bach Choir founder Merlin Channon

Oral History Part 1

Interview with long-standing choir member Mary Ransom

Oral History Part 2

Interview with founding choir member St John Perry