March 2023
Introduction and purpose
This policy sets out how Eye Bach Choir operates to keep adults at risk of abuse or neglect and children safe from abuse.
The policy is about stopping abuse where it is happening and preventing abuse where there is a risk that it may occur.
We have a Duty of Care to our volunteers and those who engage with any aspect of Eye Bach Choir. We are committed to the protection and safety of adults at risk and children whether they are volunteers and/or participants in our activities. We will protect and support the volunteers who work with us as well as those who engage with us.
All citizens of the United Kingdom have their rights enshrined within the Human Rights Act 1998. Children’s legislation includes the Childrens Act 1989 and 2004.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. For our safeguarding policy to be effective every volunteer, and staff member who supports us whatever their role, will play their part in keeping people safe.
Adult at risk of abuse or neglect
For the purposes of this policy, adult at risk refers to someone over 18 years old who, according to paragraph 42.1 of the Care Act 2014:
has care and support needs
is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect
as a result of their care and support needs is unable to protect himself or herself against the abuse or neglect or the risk of it.
If someone has care and support needs but is not currently receiving care or support from a health or care service, they may still be an adult at risk
Children and young people are defined as those persons aged under 18 years old. This policy will apply to all staff, contractors and volunteers and will be used to support their work.
“Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children” is defined in Working Together 2018 as:
protecting children from maltreatment
preventing impairment of children’s health and development
ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes
Persons affected by this policy
All volunteers
All who engage with any aspect of Eye Bach Choir
Our Policy
Eye Bach Choir has a zero-tolerance approach to abuse.
There are no excuses for not taking all reasonable action to protect adults at risk and children from abuse, exploitation, radicalisation and mistreatment.
Eye Bach Choir recognises that under the Care Act 2014 it has a duty for the care and protection of adults who are at risk of abuse. It is committed to promoting wellbeing, harm prevention and to responding effectively if concerns are raised.
The welfare of the child and/ or adult at risk is paramount and all adults have the right to protection from abuse.
We are committed to working with appropriate agencies including Suffolk Social Care, Suffolk Safeguarding Teams and the police etc. to ensure the reporting of abuse is appropriate and in line with local, national and Charity Commission requirements and Information Sharing guidance.
We will create an environment where volunteers feel able to raise safeguarding concerns and feel supported with their safeguarding responsibilities.
All volunteers are required to report any suspected abuse and be aware of the appropriate reporting and support procedure for safeguarding including the reporting of people at risk of radicalisation and extremism.
All Volunteers and staff must be clear on appropriate behaviour and responses.
Felicity Golding is the Designated Lead for safeguarding at Eye Bach Choir.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead for Eye Bach Choir will fulfil their safeguarding responsibilities in a way that ensures that adults and children are safeguarded from harm. The Safeguarding Lead is responsible for following up and reporting any suspected reports of abuse.
Appropriate recruitment of volunteers is in place.
This policy will be reviewed annually by the Committee.
Date | Changes made | Review date |
See it. Recognise it. Report it.
If the matter is urgent because a child or adult at risk of harm is in immediate danger phone 999 for the Police. | ||
See it. Are they safe? If you are concerned about a child or Adult at Risk of Harm you could help stop abuse if you follow the safeguarding policy and procedure (use this flowchart) It is not your responsibility to decide if abuse has happened. It IS your responsibility to report it to the Safeguarding Lead and/ or appropriate authority | ||
Recognise it. Share your concerns/ information with the Safeguarding Lead For concerns about an Adult at Risk of Harm: Use the Safeguarding Adults Framework to guide your discussions on thresholds for safeguarding referrals For concerns about a child (under 18 years of age): Use the Suffolk Thresholds of Needs Matrix to guide your discussions on thresholds for safeguarding referrals If you need to discuss whether or not a referral is required, call the MASH Professional Consultation Line on 0345 6061499 to speak with a MASH social worker – or use their webchat If there is immediate danger to the child or Adult at Risk call 999 for the Police. | ||
Report it If you have a concern about a child or an Adult at Risk and need to make a safeguarding referral use the relevant online Suffolk Portal (child or adult). | ||
Contact information Safeguarding referral: Via portal. Customer First 0808 800 4005 MASH Professionals Consultation line 03456 061 499 Police: 999 if it is an emergency Safeguarding Lead: Felicity Golding tel 07748 727477 email: [email protected] | ||
Notes: reporting for CYP | Notes: reporting for Adults at Risk | |
Parents/ carers should be advised that you are making a referral unless this might put the child at risk or cause any delay in referring
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Referrals If you have concerns about an adult working with a child under the age of 18 that you would like to report, access the LADO page for more information | It is essential that wherever possible it is the adult at risk who will decide on the chosen course of action, taking into account the impact of the adult at risk’s mental capacity where relevant.
However, the people and organisations caring for, or assisting them, must do everything they can to identify and prevent abuse happening wherever possible and evidence their efforts | |
Remember ALL notes will be disclosable should a formal or criminal investigation occur. Ensure that your notes are signed, dated, professional, separate opinion from fact, are recorded verbatim using the same words as were used during the disclosure. |